for all the fans that I know are on this forum
I have a feeling its gonna be a bit FPS styled... but if the trailer's anyway close to the game, SLOW FPS. I don't mind that, i played MW4 with WASD+Mouse.
-Bad thing in MW4 was the way mechs moved, quick acceleration and too fast gameplay. Mechs should feel heavy, slow, ponderous.
-And mechs should be able to take a lot of damage unlike in MW4 where one shot could easily destroy the whole mech (dunno how many times i got one shotted in online...)
-Mech Customization...
I think those are the mine points that should be fixed from MW4.
Hey Stardock! They're still looking for a publisher... *winkwink* *nudgenudge*...
The trailer certainly looks impressive and I am definitely keeping this one on my radar.
Well, those guys are looking at a publisher to fund them, and Stardock for all its success is still fairly small and can really only work with self-funded developers.
Two things that worry me about the game after reading the Q&A is that they're going to take liberties with the universe. There are no sensor drones launched from mechs. Every mech has its own sensors. Moving behind a building wouldn't hide you from sensors. I get that they're trying to make all mech classes useful, but there are other ways of doing it than forcing you to use lights because apparently heavies don't have sensors anymore.
The second thing is them talking about going back to the canon where mechs are more important than pilots and how rare they are and how a mech might get passed down for generations as a heirloom or whatever - and yet the main protagonist, of House Davion, is for whatever reason piloting a clan Omnimech (Warhammer). And the invading House Kurita (Kurita was always my favorite, I was actually part of Kurita/Draconis Combine in the SCL league for MechCommander) has a Clan Jenner? Clan tech is supposed to be quite a bit more advanced than Inner Sphere and pretty damned rare to see in IS hands. I suppose for Davion it might make sense if it's their prize mech that the kid inherits, but still..
Intelligence Warfare was always very rudimentary in the past MechWarrior title. I am looking forward to this
You are the one that is mixing Clantech with Inner Sphere tech, not them .
News to me, hopefully to the rest of you:
"We are very pleased to announce that Smith & Tinker has authorized us ( and our professional studio (MekTek Studios) to distribute and package a worldwide free release of MechWarrior4 and all of its expansions."
I'm so happy right now.
And what do you mean by "arcade-like"? I'm seeing that term thrown around a lot lately but it seems rather ambiguous.
Hmm, you're right. I got a bit rusty with my mechs and completely forgot about the original and IIC variants.
So, what? The mechs in MW2-3 moved like Urbies in MW4? The game wasn't all that fast, and I don't see how making it slower would improve the fun. This seems like one of those areas where gameplay trumps realism.
The Mech's textures had no details at all, unlike in MechWarrior 3 in which the Mechs looked like actual Battlemechs.
I looked up and compared some screenshots of MW3 and MW4. I think I can see what you're talking about, but it's a subtle difference. More details might be nice, but I'm a fan of minimalist designs and the MW4 look really appeals to me. The new video was pretty spiffy, though.
Also, who hasn't wanted to rampage across the battlefield in a pink Fafnir?
I suspect this last part is something I just won't understand without playing the earlier games. I'm not familiar with how customization worked in MW3, but I really like the weapon slot system in MW4. It's way better than the "You can have 8 of any weapon you want regardless of chassis" system used in the SNES MW1. Dark Wing Lance, meet SRM-spamming Noobler Nexus o' Doom!
It'll be interesting to see how the new game works out. I'm a bit worried by all these references to the 360, as I don't want the game to be dumbed down just so the Xbox kiddies don't get jealous. I also didn't see anything about mech customization in the interview, and the "experience for using the same mech" thing could be a problem. Encouraging mech specialization is fine, but I don't want to get kicked from multiplayer games just because I don't have the Advanced Catapult Piloting skill or a level 6 PPC Aptitude.
In that sense MW4's mech customization system was actually better than any other. Certain weapons could only go into certain slots. In a Catapult, you couldn't mount lasers on its missile racks, but MW3/MW2 allowed it. Hell, in MW2 you could actually put weapons on legs. If memory serves, some mechs actually had Omni slots in MW4 where anything could go, but most had set hardpoints for lasers, missiles and such.
In MW3, each mech section basically had a slot limit and every module took up a certain amount (see here:, and the same in MW2. In MW4 these were replaced with weapon-class slots (or Omni slots on Omnimechs). There was the overall tonnage limit and bigger weapons still took more slots (see here:
In the end, MW4's customization system was a lot closer to canon than the previous installments.
why are there two threads about this?
The game is called Mechwarrior. It takes place before the Clan was discovered by the inner sphere.
Rhonda's Highlander in the Battletech TCG was pink. Most regular mechs would use standard camo but the occational exceptional mechwarrior had special paint jobs done.
I've been itching to play Mechcommander again but maybe I'll wait for the new Mechwarrior instead.
i hope they be careful with this sensors on heavy mechs was part of the reason i had a cyclops in my lance