gaming junk
Published on July 7, 2009 By Szadowsz In PC Gaming

for all the fans that I know are on this forum

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 08, 2009

2. A turnbased "tabletop" game focusing on tactics and stragety. There was one RTS like Mechwarrior game but I can't remember it's name. Like that one but turnbased instead of realtime and much more complex gameplay.

The Front Mission series was the best example of this.  Although I haven't played any since Front Mission 3, they were really well done back then.

on Jul 08, 2009

Oh please god... make it like the originals... PLEASE... make it good... you know kinda like how I want Deus Ex 3 to be at least half as good as Deus Ex... FINALLY! WOOT! There are 3 teaser trailers on ign too... but soon everyone will have it so ya...

Mechwarrior 1 wasn't a very good game at all.  It wasn't particularly bad, but it had little to do with the actual battletech game.  Mechwarrior 2 on the other hand was awesome.  Every release since then has been pretty good as well.  If they make a new one, I would hope it would be a first person game that follows the FASA rules like MW2 and later, and not a top-down view that used none of the FASA rules like the original.


Also, here is the status of the Crysis mod: Mechwarrior: Living Legends.

I hope that it gets finished enough that it actually gets released.

on Jul 08, 2009

Anyone played the BattleTech TCG? I have over 1000 cards and no one to play with lol.

on Jul 08, 2009

I'm a bit perplexed why so many people who liked mechwarrior hated mechassault. Personally, I liked 'em all. Nothing quite like creating mayhem with a giant robot. Mechassault WAS Xbox live for a bit there. Mechassault 2's campaign was ok, but way too short. The online stuff, though, rocked. So much diversity. So much fun. Just hope the next installment brings justice to the series name.

on Jul 08, 2009

As long as it isn't MW 4 or MA, I'm in.

on Jul 08, 2009

As long as it more like MW3 than MW4 ill be happy. I believe (thursday?) ign is going to have exclusive details on the game.

on Jul 08, 2009

Raging Amish
I'm a bit perplexed why so many people who liked mechwarrior hated mechassault. Personally, I liked 'em all. Nothing quite like creating mayhem with a giant robot. Mechassault WAS Xbox live for a bit there. Mechassault 2's campaign was ok, but way too short. The online stuff, though, rocked. So much diversity. So much fun. Just hope the next installment brings justice to the series name.


Because it wasn't really a "Mechwarrior" game.  It might have been ok for a console shoot em up, but it had none of the depth , stat tweaking or customization of the mechwarrior games.  If you were hoping for an actual Mechwarrior game, its easy to see why that would be disappointing.

on Jul 08, 2009

Yes on IGN on thursday night they are showing a world premiere so... Im there when that shows up!

on Jul 08, 2009

Mechwarrior 1 wasn't a very good game at all.

Few games that old could be classified as "good" by most standards. However, as a mercenary game, it still had the best mechanics. No other game since actually had you freely piloting a dropship and actually negotiating contracts. MW4: Mercs kinda got one foot in the door there by giving you options of which missions you took when but it wasn't quite there.

Now speaking of the new game, I sort of doubt that it will be a full blown simulation. I'm sure the basics and MW essentials will be there but I think it won't have the same feel. I guess we'll see. Either way, a new MW game is better than none, even if it's not all we hope for.

on Jul 08, 2009
What's wrong with Mechwarrior 4? I played Mercs and loved it, but never played any of the earlier ones. (The horrible SNES port of MW1 doesn't count)
on Jul 09, 2009

MechWarrior revealed
MechWarrior Reveal Trailer
MechWarrior screenshots
MechWarrior Q&A - The First Details
MechWarrior Rewind Theater



@Jalicos: MechWarrior 4 was very arcade-like. MechWarrior 2 and 3 (and all their expansions) were simulators. MechWarrior 4 also looked rather cartoonish and it didn't feel like MechWarrior.

on Jul 09, 2009

Finally ITS UP WOOT!  4 play coop... HOLY CRAP! Hopefully they can put a lot of money into this game... but during these times ya... thats easier said then done... But im still hopefull!


Now they got Mechwarrior back on its feet, can we get a Tie fighter up or X wing or hell BOTH!?!?!  (Looks at lucasarts... ) monkey fucking island... dumbasses!

on Jul 09, 2009

Yay!  This game looks great! Seams to be a lot more of simulation than other games in the series. The trailer rocked and destructable buildings, wow. I suppose the trailer was ingame or could it be a render?

Anyhow, I agree with Hawawaa that now they should fix a real Starwars Sim in the X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter style. Just imagine a hughe fleetbattle where stardestroyers battle it out with Mon Calamari Crusiers with supportships and tons of fighters on each side. That would be epic.

on Jul 09, 2009

Holy crap! I just had the chance of seeing the reveal trailer... if it will really look like that and play like that in the actual, finished game then...   

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