for all the fans that I know are on this forum
Splinter Cell started on X-Box and as such was designed for a console. It's hardly a complex game.
Oh... forgot that. Need to think another example.
Why did i start editing my post...
I have no idea what this has to do with anything related to this thread, but ok:The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.Fallout 3.Bioshock.These games were created for the Xbox 360 and the PC at the same time and turned out to be some of the greatest games ever released. It has nothing to with the consoles.Games that were later ported to PC that weren't as good as their console counter parts:Splinter Cell - all of them.Gears of War.Halo.Halo 2.
As I said, I have no idea what this has to do with anything, but theres some nice lists to go through.
Mechwarrior 2 was the first game I ever played, and I grew up watching my parents play it. Seeing as I have become a gaming nerd based on those first experiences, I am really exited for a new Mechwarrior game. I only hope it doesn't get too "dumbed down".
To all of you saying that this studio is some no-name, you couldn't be more wrong. Smith & Tinker was founded by the Jordan Weisman--founder of FASA Corporation and basically the father of BattleTech.
On a different note, while I'm no experience battletech player I feel like MW4's loadout system was much closer to the original feel than MW3's. I recall that I had no trouble fitting 8 ER Medium Lasers onto a Shadowcat, along with full armor, MASC and engines for 130kph, and enough heatsinks to allow near-constant firing in banks of 4 lasers each. I fit seven ERMLs in MW4, couldn't top 100, and had to drop armor to fit enough heatsinks to make it usable in combat.
Wait... This guy founds FASA, makes BT, sells FASA and BT, Makes a new corp, and buys BT rights back (simplified)? *frowns* Why can't people keep things clear and simple...I guess this is good, and we can except thought out and well made game.
No-name studios is not a bad thing.... i mean how many of you had heard of Bungie before Halo? Even studios that have made games before can be pretty much no-names yet they can easily make good games. EA on the other hand is well known... and makes bad games (not allways, just exageratting (sp?)).
So let's compare that to:
- Morrowind- Fallout 2- System Shock 2
Bioshock was the only passable game there, and it was still an overhyped, generally underwhelming game with lousy gameplay. I still have no idea why that game is considered so good. Of all the great games I have, I've never once felt any desire to play Bioshock again. I think the Sander Cohen level was the only one worth a damn, but one hour of decent gameplay hardly overcomes the 12 other hours of inane mediocrity.
Only thing that was dumbed down in Oblivion was the menus. Easily fixed, and wasn't an issue at all really. (and the levelling system, but it had nothing to do with the game being on the consoles too, the idea was good but doesn't just work in reality.)
Fallout 3 is dumbed down due Bethesda, not because its on consoles too. Biggest issue was FO3 not being TB in combat, but Bethesda apparently thinks players like mindless gameplay better than tactics and strategy.
Bioshock sucked anyway.
Fallout 3 was less dumbed-down than Oblivion was, if anything. Oblivion is probably the worst game I've ever spent money on; Everything in that abominable shitheap was fucking terrible. The combat system was a shitty joke, the magic system was atrocious, the quests were fucking shit, the story was balls, the setting was horrible the voice acting... yeah we all know this one, the character development system was a meaningless pile of crap. It was like they took all the crappy flaws of Morrowind, and then cut out everything that redeemed the game from there.
Please, RPGs are my favorite genre bar none. That whole fucking genre has been raped to be dumbed-down to consoles. Go show me the Planescape: Torment for consoles.
The combat system was a shitty joke
How so? It didn't really differ much from Morrowind. Except you have fixed damage and strikes work a bit differently. But in the end, you still click mouse button or pull trigger and try to hit. At least it wasn't chance based like in Morrowind. I admit i don't like the way skill affects combat though.
the magic system was atrocious
You claim it was any better in Morrowind? At least you cast during melee... Magic sucks in TES 3 AND 4.
the quests were fucking shit
This has nothing to do with dumbing down. Some of the quests were rather interesting... though gameplay wise there wasn't anything special. Not that there were any special quests in Morrowind either.
the story was balls
AGAIN nothing to do with dumbing down and is purely subjective. If you base your argument on subjective matters... *cannot hold laugh and can't write...*
the setting was horrible the voice acting
If you don't like TES setting (Nirn, more specifically Tamriel and some province there), why the heck do you play it?How you like Voice acting is also subjective and has nothing to do with gameplay...
the character development system was a meaningless pile of crap
TES3/4 character developmet is fundamentally flawed i think... every one is god in the end.
Think objectivily, Morrowind and Oblivion don't differ much and MW wasn't desinged on consoles, there is no dumbing down really.
You know what sucks? That PC players are so dumbed down by masses that they belive consoles are dumbed down and cause that on PC too...
People who like only the other one seem to be real shitheads, incabable of accepthing the other side.
The point-and-click RPG of yesteryear, such as Baldur's Gate and even Planescape: Torment, are great games and obviously can't really be faithfully transfered to consoles without Mouse and Keyboard support. However, assuming every game that has ever been released on any console in the history of human kind is a steaming pile of trash worthy of nothing more than your pointless and obviously uninformed insults really doesn't speak well of yourself.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion currently holds a 94% rating on Metacritic. That's the PC and Xbox 360 version. So, your comments about Oblivion are obviously personal preference rather than the words of masses. I, personally, really enjoyed Oblivion on the Xbox 360. Fallout 3, while still an amazing game, isn't as good as Oblivion in my eyes - however, that's probably because I enjoy the fantasy setting more so than the post-nuclear war setting. In either case, fantastic games.
Narrowing your vision with the "Console retards couldn't play a complex game LOZL-ROFLCOPTER" mentality doesn't really insult console gamers so much as it insults yourself. There have been some fantastic games released on the consoles over the years, and some of them have gone to help shape gaming as we know it. If you judge a game based merely on it's complexity, go and play Microsoft Flight Simulator X and leave playing the games that are fun, regardless of their platform, to the rest of us.
it doesn't matter about any of that, I'm stoke for the fact that one of my favourite Ips is back from the grave. Hopefully they will be successful and bring a new mech commander too
You bring a tear to my eye man!
Bungie was massive before Halo, originally big with Marathon, but not that big, it blew people out of the water with the Myth series, Oni was mediocre but by the time Bungie started showcasing Halo people knew they were in for a treat because it was from them. We (PC and Mac Gamers who were their fans) just didn't realise we were getting screwed at the time and deserted for the X-Box.
Well Bungie wasn't really massive... (unlike EA for example) and i certainly hadn't ever heard of it before Halo.
But then i've never paid much attention to devs, i pay more attention to what sort of game. Only dev i really pay attention is Valve. To make sure i don't buy any of its games.
btw. regarding Mechwarrior4 FREE Release Status
The Mechwarrior4 FREE release is still currently to be announced. MekTek had hoped to gain permission for the release while visiting Smith and Tinker, Inc. in Seattle this week. However, we have learned that Microsoft has endured several administrative changes which currently impede the release. The good news, however, is that a meeting to finalize the release is scheduled near the American Thanks Giving Holiday. Smith and Tinker said that it will only take 1-2 more days before permission is granted. From MekTek, we are happy to report that the release is ready and awaiting permission to push that big shiny green release button at MekTek headquarters.