I cannot see the 2nd page of unlimited expansion by us and the players, I cannot post in the june 2 update thread and sometime when I try to post in older threads my reply doesn't register
you are not alone. Looks like they have some work to do today.
Not even sure if this will post..
I'm not sure where you're posting from, but there's no "Unlimited Expansion" thread in the GalCiv2 forums. You can access the second page of the thread you're looking for by manually adding the page number to the end of the URL for now. For instance, this thread from the GalCiv2 forums has a URL of "https://forums.galciv2.com/354771". If there was a second page, you could add "/page/2" to the end of the URL and it would look like this..."https://forums.galciv2.com/354771/page/2".
It should work from whatever forums you are in as well.
Thanks to Fuzzy Logic and Mumblefratz for pointing this out. +1 karma to both of them.
The forums have been well and truly wedged since the "forum performance update". This reply probably won't show up, for instance.
The issues regarding posts and replies should be fixed. Please let me know of any other issues you encounter.
That's over on Elemental. Example #3474/2-a49 of what a real help forum-of-origin tags would be in posts to mult-forum Topics
Let's just say that things are moving forward
Is origin of post/reply something that is being considered, perhaps even worked? Be still my beating heart.